

Our mobile guidebook is online! You can view detailed event descriptions, bookmark your favorite events, see what’s going on where and when, as well as see up to date schedule changes and updates!


Web Schedule:

This is a PDF and image file you can download to begin planning your convention weekend! This version of the schedule will be updated as the convention draws closer. New updates and changes can be viewed on our digital guidebook. Information on the guidebook is coming shortly!

Photoshoot Schedule:

View the current schedule here (Version 1 about a month before the con)

Colossalcon Guidebook (Coming Soon!)

The Colossalcon Texas Guidebook will be ready about 1-2 weeks prior to the convention.

The Colossalcon Texas guidebook is a mobile resource that will help you plan your convention weekend! See event descriptions, details, times, photoshoots, and much more! Any changes made to the schedule are updated real-time. Add the guidebook to your home screen to access it anytime!