Rules & Policies
Please see our Code of Conduct for important attendee, staff, vendor, and affiliated party conduct expectations.
- Overall Convention Policies
- Cosplay Policy
- Prop Policy
- Photographer Policy
- Lost Badges
- Waterpark Cosplay & Prop Policies
- Autograph Policy
- Disability Access
- Other
Overall Convention Policies
- Anything that is illegal outside of the convention is illegal inside the convention.
- Harassment will not be tolerated. Colossalcon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion.
- Please take mock battles outside (unless its part of an event).
- Behavioral policy is subject to perspective. If you are doing anything out of line, convention staff reserves the right to revoke your badge without question or fairness. All Staff decisions are final.
- Bluetooth speakers are no longer permitted in the convention center due to their size (people towing them behind them with a cart), and volume levels. Please leave all blue tooth speakers handheld or otherwise in your hotel room.
Age Requirements
All attendees age 11 and older must have a badge. All attendees age 10 and under may attend colossalcon when accompanied by a person who has purchased a badge. All events (including the After Hours Waterpark event) are intended for all ages, unless otherwise stated. All 18+ events are ID’d. You must be 18 or older to attende 18+ events. No exceptions.
The kalahari has a strict no drone policy. Kalahari’s Drone Policy
Cosplay-related Policies
Colossalcon can be very busy and crowded in the hallways. We encourage attendees to plan accordingly with their props and copslays.
Waterpark Cosplay & Prop Policies
Cosplay is welcome in the Kalahari waterpark during normal operating hours and Colossalcon’s After Hours events.
- Cosplay props must follow all prop rules and are subject to Kalahari judgement as to whether or not they are allowed into the waterpark.
- Flotation devices are not allowed in the water. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis (by the Kalahari) when it is obvious that the flotation devices are being used as cosmetic props for photography use only.
- All makeup and hair dye should be properly sealed. If it is not properly sealed, it must not enter the water.
- Wigs are allowed in the Kalahari waterpark but all efforts should be made to ensure that wigs do not come off or interfere with any park operations and/or attractions.
- Colossalcon does not promote or condone body shaming in any manner, but our organization must comply with the standards set forth by the waterpark. Per Kalahari rules, all bathing suits throughout the Kalahari Resorts property must cover a minimum of the genitals, and female nipples. Full-body swimsuits are also permitted. Anyone not going in the pools/on the rides may wear normal attire throughout the waterpark.
- Mermaid Tails are permitted around the pools and at the water’s edge. You are not permitted to swim with a mermaid tail in the pools.
Prop Policy
If we deem a Prop to be unsafe for the convention, we will request you to store the unsafe prop in your private quarters such as your room or car. If there is a repeat offense, we will escort you out of the convention and off of convention grounds so that you can place the prop in your private quarters.
Please refer to our cosplay prop chart to see if your prop will be permitted at the con:

- All props brought into the convention should be brought to the security desk for inspection by security staff.
- All questionable items will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
- Anything deemed illegal outside the convention is deemed illegal inside the convention premises.
- strong>Weapons purchased in the dealers room: After purchasing a weapon that normally violates our Prop policy, it must remain in its packaging and be taken immediately to your room or car for storage.
Props Not Permitted
- No metal swords, knives, bayonets, cane-swords, and/or other objects made of metal, which have a sharp point or sharpened edge. Exceptions may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
- Firearms: Absolutely no real or replica guns of any kind permitted.
- Toy or fake prop guns must be easily identifiable with no moving parts and that have a clearly visible orange tip will be permitted. Resin models will be permitted as long as they are marked with clearly visible orange tip.
- Real nunchaku are not permitted. Nunchaku made of craft materials are permitted, but may not be swung.
- There are to be no explosives or chemicals of any kind, including but not limited to smoke powder, sparklers and fireworks.
- Bows must be unstrung at the con. Exceptions may be made on a case my case basis with the cosplay department while taking part in the masquerade.
Permitted Props
- Props and prop weapons made of craft materials are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to the other con-goers around you.
- Props must be less than 8 feet in height.
- Props should be able to be carried reasonably by you.
- Props that need to be carried by two or more people are not permitted
What is considered dangerous? Dangerous props include, but are not limited to:
- Sharp Edges or spikes: Any edge that can easily cut or damage other persons or property through normal handling.
- Projectiles: Props may not fire projectiles. Nerf and/or water toys are permissible if they are not loaded and handled responsibly.
- Tripping Hazards: Parts that are dragging that could trip someone, such as (but not limited to) dragging rope, chain, or cord.
- Clotheslining: Parts, such as wire, rope, or string that under normal handling, could severely injure another attendee.
- Any other hazard that Colossalcon staff feel could potential endanger other persons, personal property, or Kalahari property.
Behavior with Props
- Misuse of any prop, will result in immediate revocation of prop privileges.
- Do not swing or brandish props in crowded areas
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
- For everyone’s safety, security and peace of mind, prop and toy guns should remain concealed when outside of the convention center area.
Photographer Policy
What the photographer pass provides:
- The photographer pass grants you 4-day badge access to the convention.
What the photographer pass does not provide you:
- Does not get you “all access.” We are working to see if we can get all photographers front for the masquerade. Since too many in front of the stage can cause issues, the cosplay coordinators have the final say on who can be front.
- Does not grant you the power to remove attendees from a given area. Our attendees are generally nice people and if you simply ask them to clear the area for your photoshoot, they will likely comply, but you cannot force them to move.
Photographer Rules and Conduct:
Photographers are expected exercise common courtesy and respect toward other persons and property while taking photos.
General Equipment Rules
Equipment is permitted in walkways and on sidewalks, but should immediately be moved if anyone wheelchair bound or on crutches should need to pass through.
Photography Equipment in the Waterpark:
- Light stands are limited to one inside the Kalahari buildings and indoor water park, with a limit of a 42” reflector. Shoots in the outside areas are unrestricted. Clamp lights are permitted indoors if the clamp is non-marking and has rubberized grips.
- No inverter powered lights in the indoor or outdoor water parks.
- No battery packs in the water.
- No lights or light stands in the pools or water. This equipment should be on the deck/ground surrounding the water.
Lost Badges
- Lost badge = Buy a new one.
- If you do lose your badge please check with Convention Operations (Con Ops) to see if it has been returned.
- Please return all “Found” badges to Con Ops.
- Proper identification MUST be provided in order for your lost badge to be returned to you.
- We suggest writing you name on the back of your badge and keeping it secure on your person at all times when worn.
Colossalcon Texas Dress code
Shirts, clothing, costumes, or signs promoting pedophilia are strictly prohibited.
Please do not wear clothing with distasteful messages or words. This includes clothing with text or graphics referencing bodily fluids.
Proper footwear is required at all times. An exception is made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
No rollerblades or rollerskates. An exception is made for cosplayers during the masquerade.
Short skirts, kilts, etc must be accompanied by proper underwear. Ineffective underwear or a lack thereof constitutes indecent exposure. Offenders may be turned over to law enforcement.
Clothing should at least cover what a 2-piece bikini (for females) or swim shorts (for males) would cover.
Signs that are held or messages/words written on shirts or your body are permitted but they must stay tasteful.
Autograph Policy
- Follow the instructions of the Colossalson staff.
- No touching guests without their consent.
- Guests will only autograph items that are relevant to their work.
- Photographs may not be taken with the guest during an autograph session unless stated otherwise.
- Going behind the guest’s table is not allowed.
- Please be considerate of your fellow attendees and avoid having lengthy conversations with the guests during an autograph session.
- Autograph lines may be “capped” at any point to keep events on schedule.
- Always be respectful of our guests. Attendees that exhibit rude or inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave the line and will not be admitted back in.
- Check your Program Schedule for the Autograph Session times and locations. Updated schedules are available at Information posted outside the Autograph room.
- Guests will not sign a bootleg item. Our guests know which items are legitimate and which are not. If you have any questions about a product you want signed, please ask a staff member.
Disability Access
If you are wheelchair bound or have other mobility issues and need assistance, check into the security office where our staff will be happy to assist you. This doesn’t necessarily grant front line privileges, but we will be sure you are appropriately seated at events.
Service Animals
Service animals have to be officially authorized as a service animal. In the state of Ohio Dogs and Horses are the only animals that are recognized. The ADA no longer lists the Emotional Support/Companion Animals as Service Animals. The Kalahari does comply with all ADA policies however, and service animals are permitted such as seeing eye dogs, etc.
All other questions can be direct to our facebook groups(under the community section of the website) and/or contacting us directly via email. If you have questions at the con and need help, you can also find information here: Finding help at the convention.